/*! responsiveslides.js v1.54 * http://responsiveslides.com * http://viljamis.com * * copyright (c) 2011-2012 @viljamis * available under the mit license */ /*jslint browser: true, sloppy: true, vars: true, plusplus: true, indent: 4 */ (function ($, window, i) { if($.fn.responsiveslides){ return; } $.fn.responsiveslides = function (options) { options.manualcontrols = options.manualcontrols && $(this).find(options.manualcontrols); options.navcontainer = options.navcontainer && $(this).find(options.navcontainer); options.prevtext = options.prevtext || '«'; options.nexttext = options.nexttext || '»'; return $(this).find('ul.rslides-inner')._responsiveslides(options); }; $.fn._responsiveslides = function (options) { // default settings var settings = $.extend({ "auto" : true, // boolean: animate automatically, true or false "speed" : 500, // integer: speed of the transition, in milliseconds "timeout" : 4000, // integer: time between slide transitions, in milliseconds "pager" : false, // boolean: show pager, true or false "nav" : false, // boolean: show navigation, true or false "random" : false, // boolean: randomize the order of the slides, true or false "pause" : false, // boolean: pause on hover, true or false "pausecontrols" : true, // boolean: pause when hovering controls, true or false "prevtext" : "previous", // string: text for the "previous" button "nexttext" : "next", // string: text for the "next" button "maxwidth" : "", // integer: max-width of the slideshow, in pixels "maxheight" : "", // integer: max-height of the slideshow, in pixels "navcontainer" : "", // selector: where auto generated controls should be appended to, default is after the